The Finnish National Gallery

Название: Finnish National Gallery
Адрес (если есть):
Режим доступа: в свободном онлайн доступе
Организация: Ateneum Art Museum, Kiasma, Sinebrychoff Art Museum
Город, страна: Хельсинки, Финляндия
Год создания: 2014
Назначение: образование
Полнотекстовость: частично
Тип: другое
Тип источников: изобразительные
Источники: живопись, скульптура, фотография,
Подход к созданию: источнико-ориентированная
Область знания: гуманитарные науки в целом
Область истории: культурная
География: Восточная Европа
  • период: не применимо
  • века: 15 .. 21
  • годы: ..
Технология создания:
Программное обеспечение:
Объем (в записях): 40000
Язык интерфейса: английский, финский, шведский
Количество пользователей: коллективного использования
Ключевые слова:

The Finnish National Gallery comprises three museum units: the Ateneum Art Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma and the Sinebrychoff Art Museum. The National Gallery is responsible for the State Art Collection, the management of which rests with the National Gallery’s Collections Department. The State Art Commission with its collections is also part of the Finnish National Gallery.

The Finnish National Gallery works to develop Finnish cultural heritage, strengthen the national art collection, produce exhibitions, and make art accessible to audiences. As the national museum of art, it is responsible for the management of art historical archives and art databases.

The Finnish National Gallery is the largest art museum organisation in Finland and a national cultural institution that employs approximately 250 professionals. The museums of the National Gallery have approximately 500,000 visitors annually.

The National Gallery is a public foundation. Its establishment and operation are governed by the Act and Decree on the Finnish National Gallery that came into effect on 1 January 2014. The governing bodies of the organisation are the Council, the Board, and the Director General. The Council and the Board are appointed by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, the Director General by the Finnish Government. The Finnish National Gallery falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Culture and it is funded mainly by the State.

The Finnish National Gallery is a major operator in the national and international field of culture and its services strengthen the significance of art in society.


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