Probing the Past: Virginia and Maryland. Probate inventories, 1740-1810

Название: Probing the Past: Virginia and Maryland. Probate inventories, 1740-1810
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Организация: George Mason University and Gunston Hall Plantation with support from the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media
Город, страна: , США
Год создания:
Назначение: исследования, образование
Полнотекстовость: да
Тип источников:
Подход к созданию: не указано
Область знания:
Область истории:
  • период:
  • века: ..
  • годы: ..
Технология создания:
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Объем (в записях):
Язык интерфейса:
Количество пользователей: коллективного использования
Ключевые слова:

Probing the Past provides a searchable version of information contained in the transcriptions of all 325 probate inventories. Users may browse by time period or city/county, or search the database to find records that meet specific criteria, and then view the original written text and a transcript of the inventories.

All collected inventories were transcribed in their entirety. Where words in the original are illegible or questionable, they have been identified by [ ] or noted as [illegible]. Spelling errors are evident, but the use of [sic] has been restrained, only appearing in truly questionable places, as in a double entry by a court clerk. Attempts have been made to preserve the original structure of sentences. Therefore, when a sentence or entry extends beyond modern margins, it continues on the following line, indented by three spaces.

Each inventory has been identified by county, colony-state, and source, and when available the date ordered by court, and/or the date taken by appraisers, and/or the date recorded in probate records. Only the microfilm copies have been examined; the originial documents have not been consulted. All Maryland inventories are in the microfilm collection of county records held by the MARYLAND STATE ARCHIVES in Annapolis, Maryland. All Virginia inventories come from the microfilmed county court records of the LIBRARY OF VIRGINIA in Richmond, Virginia.

Although every effort has been made to provide a true transciption, it is advised that if questions arise or before publication of any of this material, the original be consulted. Facsimiles of the original documents are available alongside our transcriptions whenever possible.

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