Адрес (если есть): parlipapers.chadwyck.com/marketing/index.jsp, eresources.loc.gov/record=e1000535~S9
Режим доступа:
Организация: ProQuest LLC
Город, страна: , США
Год создания:
Назначение: исследования, образование
Полнотекстовость: да
Тип источников:
Подход к созданию: не указано
Область знания:
Область истории:
- период:
- века: ..
- годы: ..
Программное обеспечение:
Объем (в записях):
Язык интерфейса:
Количество пользователей: коллективного использования
Ключевые слова:
Description: HCPP contains the full text of all sessional papers issued by the House of Commons, including Bills, Reports of Royal Commissions, Reports of Select Committees, Accounts and Papers, and Command Papers. The Papers provide a forum for the ideas of hundreds of thinkers in the UK, among them Jenner, Arnold, Trollope, Mill, Faraday, Babbage, Telford, and Brunel. Parliamentary Papers cover all areas of social, political, economic, and foreign policy, not only for the United Kingdom, but for the whole of the British Empire. Topics covered include: British Imperialism; the move from an agrarian society to an industrial society; social conditions of the British working class; public health issues; removal of the American Indians; agriculture; travel; and immigration. There will be ongoing regular releases of papers from current sessions of Parliament.
Coverage: 1688 to 2015
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