Адрес (если есть): bancroft.berkeley.edu/digitalscriptorium
Режим доступа:
Организация: Bancroft Library, University of California
Город, страна: , США
Год создания:
Полнотекстовость: не указано
Тип источников:
Подход к созданию: не указано
Область знания:
Область истории:
- период:
- века: ..
- годы: ..
Программное обеспечение:
Объем (в записях):
Язык интерфейса:
Количество пользователей: коллективного использования
Ключевые слова:
The Digital Scriptorium is a growing image database of medieval and renaissance manuscripts that unites scattered resources from many institutions into an international tool for teaching and scholarly research.
As a visual catalog, DS allows scholars to verify with their own eyes cataloguing information about places and dates of origin, scripts, artists, and quality. Special emphasis is placed on the touchstone materials: manuscripts signed and dated by their scribes. DS records manuscripts that traditionally would have been unlikely candidates for reproduction. It fosters public viewing of materials otherwise available only within libraries. Because it is web-based, it encourages interaction between the knowledge of scholars and the holdings of libraries to build a reciprocal flow of information. Digital Scriptorium looks to the needs of a very diverse community of medievalists, classicists, musicologists, paleographers, diplomatists and art historians. At the same time Digital Scriptorium recognizes the limited resources of libraries; it bridges the gap between needs and resources by means of extensive rather than intensive cataloguing, often based on legacy data, and sample imaging.
Digital Scriptorium institutional partners have instituted a governance structure to plan jointly for the future of the program, in terms of scope, sustainability, and content.
Tiles on the Digital Scriptorium homepage and throughout the site are from Berkeley, University of California, Bancroft Library, UCB 059.
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