Авторы: Ian Gregory, Robert M. Schwartz
Название: National Historical Geographical Information System as a tool for historical research: Population and railways in Wales, 1841–1911
Город, страна: ,
Источник (для периодики и сборников статей): International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing
Год: 2009
Тип публикации: статья
Язык: английский
Он-лайн версия: www.euppublishing.com/doi/abs/10.3366/ijhac.2009.0013
Ключевые слова: Information System, National, historical geographical, historical research
Библиографическая ссылка:
Ian Gregory and Robert M. Schwartz National Historical Geographical Information System as a tool for historical research: Population and railways in Wales, 1841–1911 // International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing. Volume 3, Page 143-161 DOI 10.3366/ijhac.2009.0013, ISSN 1753-8548, Available Online Oct 2009 .
One of the early drivers of historical GIS was the development of national historical GISs. These systems usually hold all of a country's census and related statistics from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. As such they have represent an extremely valuable resource, but at the same time they were and remain extremely expensive and time consuming to build. Was the investment worthwhile? This paper takes one of these systems, the Great Britain Historical GIS, and explores how it was built, what methodologies were developed to exploit the data that it contains, and provides an example to demonstrate how it made possible a unique analysis of railroads in Wales before the First World War.
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