Авторы: Alec Gray, Gwyn Price
Название: Object Oriented Databases and their Application to Historical Data
Город, страна: ,
Источник (для периодики и сборников статей): History and Computing
Год: 1994
Номер: 6
Тип публикации: статья
Язык: английский
Он-лайн версия: www.euppublishing.com/doi/abs/10.3366/hac.1994.6.1.44
Ключевые слова: Historical data, Object Oriented, databases
Библиографическая ссылка:
Gwyn PriceAlec Gray. Object Oriented Databases and their Application to Historical Data // History and Computing. Volume 6, Page 44-51. 1994.
Relational Database Systems currently dominate the marketplace and thus the use of Database Management Systems by historians. This technology can constrain the thinking ofits users and limit the representational and analytical power of the applications built using it. This has led to research into other models of Database Management which are less restricting. An introduction toone ofthese approaches, Object OrientedDatabase Systems, ispresentedhere in a historical context with the purpose ofillustrating its power for historical research. An example of this power is given with a description of the authors research into the development of a workbench system utilising Object Orientedprinciples for Nominal Record Linkage.
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