Ключевое слово: история Америки
Королевский музей Онтарио
Коллекция музея включает более 6 млн предметов и свыше 40 галерей. Музей известен своими коллекциями искусства Ближнего Востока, Африки и Восточной Азии, европейской и канадской истории.
Канадский музей истории
Постоянная экспозиция включает залы, посвящённые культурам коренных народов, а также истории Канады со времён европейской колонизации и до настоящего времени. Собрание музея насчитывает более миллиона предметов.
Музей Паулиста
В музее хранится большая коллекция мебели, исторических документов и вещей, связанных с имперской эпохой.
Национальный музей Колумбии
Коллекция музея разделена на четыре раздела: искусство, история, археология и этнография. В коллекции представлено как колумбийское искусство, так и латиноамериканское и европейское, в том числе картины, рисунки, гравюры,скульптуры, инсталляции и предметы декоративно-прикладного искусства от колониального периода до наших дней.
Национальный музей антропологии Мексики
Музей содержит уникальную коллекцию археологических и антропологических экспонатов доколумбовой эпохи, найденных на территории Мексики.
Office of the Historian
The Office of the Historian is responsible, under law, for the preparation and publication of the official documentary history of U.S. foreign policy in the Foreign Relations of the United States series.
In addition, the Office prepares policy-supportive historical studies for Department principals and other agencies. These studies provide essential background information, evaluate how and why policies evolved, identify precedents, and derive lessons learned. Department officers rely on institutional memory, collective wisdom, and personal experience to make decisions; rigorous historical analysis can sharpen, focus, and inform their choices. The Office of the Historian conducts an array of initiatives, ranging from briefing memos to multi-year research projects.
The Office of the Historian also promotes the declassification of documents to ensure a complete and accurate understanding of the past.
Источник описания:Office of the Historian
Our Documents
We want everyone—students, teachers, parents, and the general public—to read these milestone documents, consider their meaning, discuss them, and decide which are the most significant and why. This initiative creates a number of ways to do that—through classroom activities and competitions, and votes.
Источник описания:Our Documents
Archiving Early America
Archiving Early America is one of the Internet’s leading Web sites offering a unique body of primary source material on the life and times of 18th century America. The site focuses on the Colonial era, the Revolutionary War and the Early Republic.
The site is supported solely by advertising. It is not funded by public money, grants, or private or corporate sponsorships. All of the features at the site are free to users.
Don Vitale is editor and publisher of Archiving Early America. A former journalist, he served as senior lecturer at the University of Southern California’s Department of Journalism. He is presently archivist for the Keigwin and Mathews Collection of 18th century historical documents of early America.
The site is renewed on an ongoing basis as new content is added online. Articles in The Early America Review—the site’s biannual historical journal—are bylined and written by authors with a special interest in the history of early America. Vitale writes all of the preambles to the site’s many features.
Much of the website highlights a vast array of primary source content written by the country’s Founders.
Archiving Early America first went online in 1995. The project allowed Americans to view their nation’s founding documents as they appeared in the media of that day. Our mission statement spells out our objectives at the time.
Many students and teachers of early America use Archiving Early America as a resource for their research papers and projects. We hope that by accessing the information appearing on our site you, as millions of others, will gain valuable insights into this important era of America’s history.
Источник описания:Archiving Early America
Women working, 1800 — 1930
Though it is a relatively recent field of study, women's history is inscribed across all of the Harvard Library holdings gathered since 1638. By examining those holdings afresh and querying them in a new and feminist light, the curators of Women Working have aggregated thousands of items that illuminate women's history. The result is a unique, virtual collection, comprising over 650,000 individual pages from more than 3,100 books and trade catalogs, 900 archives and manuscript items, and 1,400 photographs.
Women Working, 1800–1930 is a digital exploration of women's impact on the economic life of the United States between 1800 and the Great Depression. Working conditions, workplace regulations, home life, costs of living, commerce, recreation, health and hygiene, and social issues are among the issues documented in this online research collection from Harvard University.
Источник описания:Women working, 1800 - 1930