В собрании музея находятся произведения европейских мастеров с XV века до наших дней (живопись, скульптура, графика, предметы декоративно-прикладного искусства), декоративное искусство Азии.
Ключевое слово: искусство
Музей Салар Джанг
Первобытное искусство (виртуальный музей)
Идея создания данного сайта возникла на кафедре археологии Кемеровского государственного университета (КемГУ) во время подготовки международной конференции по первобытному искусству, прошедшей в Кемерове в августе 1998 г. В работе конференции участвовало более 100 специалистов, половина из них приехали из разных стран дальнего и ближнего зарубежья (Австралия, Великобритания, Голландия, Италия, Киргизстан, США, Узбекистан, Франция, Эстония, Южная Африка и др.). В качестве первой пробы была сделана web-страница, посвященная организатору конференции - Сибирской Ассоциации исследователей первобытного искусства (САИПИ) www.kemsu.ru/org/sapar
Проект был поддержан Институтом "Открытое общество". Работу пришлось разделить на "очереди". В 1999 г. предполагается запустить виртуальные экспозиции, посвященные искусству каменного века, скифам и музею археологии и этнографии КемГУ. В целом экспозиции виртуального музея и его экспонаты могут наращиваться практически неограниченно.
Еще несколько слов, предваряющих экспозицию данного музея. Что такое "первобытное искуство"? Отличается ли оно от современного? И, если "да", то чем?
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Общая концепция сайта разработана Я.А.Шером, им же написаны все тексты. В работе принимали участие А.В.Фрибус и Н.А.Белоусова. Переводчики: Л.В.Карнарукова и А.А.Смирнова. Список источников, из которых заимствованы иллюстрации, приводится отдельно. Выражаем благодарность за поддержку Институту "Открытое общество" и Центру Интернет КемГУ.
Авторы сайта с благодарностью примут любые конструктивные критические замечания и предложения по дальнейшему его наращиванию и совершенствованию. Хочется надеяться, что знакомство с нашими "экспозициями" будет для Вас небезынтересным.
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Если Вам интересен период, предшествующий появлению искусства (более 3 млн. лет), начните с раздела "Антропогенез"
The Frick Collection
Internationally recognized as a premier museum and research center, the Frick is known for its distinguished Old Master paintings and outstanding examples of European sculpture and decorative arts.
The collection was assembled by the Pittsburgh industrialist Henry Clay Frick (1849–1919) and is housed in his former residence on Fifth Avenue. One of New York City’s few remaining Gilded Age mansions, it provides a tranquil environment for visitors to experience masterpieces by artists such as Bellini, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Gainsborough, Goya, and Whistler. The museum opened in 1935 and has continued to acquire works of art since Mr. Frick’s death.
Adjacent to the museum is the Frick Art Reference Library, founded in 1920 by Helen Clay Frick as a memorial to her father. Today it is one of the leading institutions for research in the fields of art history and collecting.
National Gallery of Art
The National Gallery of Art was conceived and given to the people of the United States by Andrew W. Mellon (1855–1937). Mellon was a financier and art collector who served as U.S. secretary of the treasury from 1921 to 1932. During his years in Washington, DC, Mellon came to believe that the United States should have a world-class national art museum comparable to those of other nations.
In pursuit of this vision, Mellon purchased 21 paintings from the Hermitage Museum in 1930 and 1931 that later became nucleus of the collection of the National Gallery of Art. In 1936 Mellon wrote to President Franklin D. Roosevelt to offer his magnificent paintings and sculpture for a new museum and proposing to construct a building for its use with his own funds. Roosevelt endorsed Mellon’s offer, and Congress accepted his gift in 1937.
Construction of the original West Building began in 1937, only weeks before Mellon’s death. The museum was dedicated on March 17, 1941.
The Honolulu Museum of Arts
In 2011, The Contemporary Museum gifted its assets and collection to the Honolulu Academy of Arts and in 2012, the combined museum changed its name to the Honolulu Museum of Art.
NZMuseums showcases the New Zealand's museums and galleries and their collections. It's also a directory of museums and galleries, and an online collection management system. NZMuseums is the initiative of National Services Te Paerangi, a team at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, in Wellington, New Zealand.
The Art Gallery of Western Australia
The Art Gallery of Western Australia, founded in 1895, occupies a precinct of three heritage buildings on the south-eastern corner of the Perth Cultural Centre. The Gallery houses the State Art Collection, which includes one of the world’s finest collections of Indigenous art, the pre-eminent collection of Western Australian art and design, as well as Australian and International art and design.
The Art Gallery of New South Wales
Modern and contemporary works are displayed in expansive, light-filled spaces, offering stunning views of Sydney and the harbour, while our splendid Grand Courts are home to a distinguished collection of colonial and 19th-century Australian works and European old masters. There are also dedicated galleries celebrating the arts of Asia and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art.
While nothing can replicate the experience of visiting the Gallery in person, our website is one of an increasing number of ways to access us. The site provides information about exhibitions and events at the Gallery. While only about 5% of the collection can be displayed at any one time, you can search the entire collection online. You can access education material, take an online tour or do your own research.
The Museums Victoria
This site allows users to explore the natural sciences and humanities collections of Museums Victoria in Australia, featuring collections of zoology, geology, palaeontology, history, indigenous cultures and technology. Over 1.15 million records were presented at launch in 2015, accompanied by over 150,000 images.