Портал «Топография террора» — это адресная книга и база данных советского террора в Москве. В базу данных возможны два входа: с одной стороны, через карту, с другой стороны, через древо текстов. На современную карту Москвы нанесены, помимо актуальных названий улиц и проспектов, еще и названия советского времени. На карте можно подключить один или несколько из существующих слоев. В древе можно выбрать для чтения единовременно только один слой. Каждый месяц база данных будет обновляться новым тематическим слоем.

The Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilization (DARMC) makes freely available on the internet the best available materials for a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) approach to mapping and spatial analysis of the Roman and medieval worlds. DARMC allows innovative spatial and temporal analyses of all aspects of the civilizations of western Eurasia in the first 1500 years of our era, as well as the generation of original maps illustrating differing aspects of ancient and medieval civilization. A work in progress with no claim to definitiveness, it has been built in less than three years by a dedicated team of Harvard undergraduates, graduate students, research scholars and one professor, with some valuable contributions from younger and more senior scholars at other institutions. For more details on who we are, please see the People page.

ARMC contains dozens of data layers in several geodatabases, that is, databases whose data is georeferenced or specified in terms of decimal degrees of latitude and longitude. They should prove useful to students, professional scholars and scientists, as well as to learned amateurs and curious minds of all descriptions. Here one can find the Roman road networks, bridges, aqueducts, the cities and settlements of the empire, Roman military installations, the shrines, mines, and villas that already appeared in the Barrington Atlas and in other similar research tools.

Источник описания:Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilizations

Chico Historical Geographic Information System (GIS). This analytical tool is designed to provide users an interactive historical research experience using modern mapping technologies. Primary source materials recovered from research repositories across California are presented using a unique interactive platform. The goal of this study is to transform historical documentation into an easily accessible format that can be interpreted across both space and time.

The study area for this project is Chico's oldest residential neighborhood known today as the South Campus Historic District, nominated to the National Register of Historic Places in 1991. The 166 parcels within the 23 blocks of the District are made up predominantly of university student housing, intermingled with a large office building currently occupied by AT&T, a Catholic Church, grade school and a small neighborhood commercial zone. There are 116 properties that are considered contributors to the historic integrity of the District. The neighborhood is 150 years old; the first lots were sold in 1862. The historic period under review in this study is 1862-1960.


Источник описания:Chico Historical GIS

The "American Century" Geospatial Timeline - проект, созданные студентами университета Клемсона. На временной шкале (хронологические охват с 1865 по 2009 гг.)  отображенно поэтопное развитие литература, появление наиболее мощных памятников слова нового и новейшего времени на териитории США и Европы (теаймлайн сопровождан картой).


The recognition that geo-technologies are playing an increasingly important role in historical research led to a meeting in Barcelona in December 2007, attended by fifty leading academics and GIS practitioners from Europe, with additional representation from leading North American experts. The conference benefited from previous meetings in Florence (2000), Ghent (2002), Amsterdam (2004), Belfast (2005), Berlin (2006), and Mainz (2007). The three-day Barcelona conference had three key aims: (1) to survey the use and maturity of historical GIS; (2) to hold an inclusive, facilitated discussion on the feasibility and requirements for a European historical GIS; and (3) to develop a white paper on how to advance historical GIS within Europe. A network of networks was a major proposal to come from the Barcelona meeting, and its outlines and rationale are advanced in this white paper.