Hill Family Collection

Название: Hill Family Collection
Адрес (если есть): content.mnhs.org/collections
Режим доступа:
Организация: the Minnesota Historical Society
Город, страна: , США
Год создания:
Полнотекстовость: не указано
Тип источников:
Подход к созданию: не указано
Область знания:
Область истории:
  • период:
  • века: ..
  • годы: ..
Технология создания:
Программное обеспечение:
Объем (в записях):
Язык интерфейса:
Количество пользователей: коллективного использования
Ключевые слова:

The Hill Family Collection, approximately 1,600 cubic feet of material, was transfered to the Minnesota Historical Society from the James J. Hill Reference Library in March, 2008.

The Hill Reference Library was founded by James J. Hill and completed under the direction of his family, and this library had become the repository for his papers and those of several of his family members. Changing priorities, however, meant that the Reference Library could not give the collections the attention they deserved. The Minnesota Historical Society, which already held small collections of Hill family papers and numerous large collections of railroad records, was a natural choice for a new home for the collection.

Watch this podcast to learn more about the papers and their transfer.

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