Данный ресурс представляет высококлассный проект "Digital Archives" , где на сегодняшний день опубликованы материалы переписей  1801, 1865, 1885, 1900 и 1910 гг., а также части переписей населения 1870, 1875 и 1891, 1900 гг. На сайте размещенно большое количество персональных данных, оригиналов документов по новейшей истории и просто книг. Однако, согласно условиям доступа к конфиденциальной информации, действующие в Норвегии, накладывают ограничения на доступ к материалам, содержащим персональные данные и созданные после 1930 г.

Help scientists recover Arctic and worldwide weather observations made by United States ships since the mid-19th century by transcribing ships' logs. These transcriptions will contribute to climate model projections and will improve our knowledge of past environmental conditions. Historians will use your work to track past ship movements and tell the stories of the people on board.

Clive Wilkinson: "The Old Weather project isn't about proving or disproving global warming. We need to collect as much historical data as we can over the oceans, because if we wish to understand what the weather will do in the future, then we need to understand what the weather was doing in the past."

Philip Brohan: "We're simply attempting to gather more information about historical weather variability, to improve our understanding of all forms of weather variability in the past and so improve our ability to predict weather and climate in the future.

Источник описания: oldWeather

Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, and combining King’s College London’s Department of History and Centre for Computing in the Humanities with The National Archives and Canterbury Christ Church University, The Henry III Fine Rolls Project is a unique and pioneering enterprise which democratises the rolls by making them freely available in English translation with a sophisticated electronic search engine, the first medieval source to be treated in this way.

The project is making the rolls intelligible, investigatable and freely available in the following ways:

  • An English translation of the rolls in electronic form on the KCL website, with indexes and a search facility.
  • Printed volumes of the same translation, with full indexes, published by Boydell and Brewer.
  • Digital facsimile images of the rolls on the KCL website.
  • The Fine of the Month feature in which every month comment appears on the website about material of interest in the rolls.

Project Team: David Carpenter (KCL), David Crook (TNA), Harold Short (CCH), Louise Wilkinson (CCCU), Paul Dryburgh and Beth Hartland (KCL), Paul Spence, Paul Caton, Tamara Lopez and Jose Miguel Vieira (CCH), Jessica Nelson, Sean Cunningham and Adrian Jobson (TNA)