Historical Agricultural News topic‐specific search tool responds to the challenge of what has come to be known as “big data”: the overwhelming amount of information that often inundates the searcher. The digitization of primary sources has changed the face of archival research, bringing new opportunities—and new challenges—to scholars and laymen alike. Whether someone is working on an academic history or a family genealogy, materials can often be found as close as a laptop or tablet. But while availability of materials has increased exponentially, the ability to easily utilize these materials has not kept pace.
Historical Agricultural News hopes to achieve several purposes: to make the Chronicling America database more accessible to those interested in agricultural history; to demonstrate a new customizable search algorithm, which could be used for different topics in future search engines; and to make transparent the participation of newspapers in distributing and embedding new paradigms in agricultural science and technology.
Источник описания: ag-news.net.
Chronicling America is a Website providing access to information about historic newspapers and select digitized newspaper pages, and is produced by the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP). NDNP, a partnership between the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the Library of Congress (LC), is a long-term effort to develop an Internet-based, searchable database of U.S. newspapers with descriptive information and select digitization of historic pages. Supported by NEH, this rich digital resource will be developed and permanently maintained at the Library of Congress. An NEH award program will fund the contribution of content from, eventually, all U.S. states and territories.
The Newspaper Title Directory is derived from the library catalog records created by state institutions during the NEH-sponsored United States Newspaper Program, 1980-2007. This program funded state-level projects to locate, describe (catalog), and selectively preserve (via treatment and microfilm) historic newspaper collections in that state, published from 1690 to the present.
Источник описания: Chronicling America
These web pages allow the user to find out more information about properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places using the NPS Focus interface. The presentation you see here is modeled on the “digital library” approach to providing information over the web. These web pages are a “work in progress” because they do not yet contain all National Register listed properties.
Through the use of a simple or an advanced search you can find summary information about National Register properties in the widely used Dublin core metadata format, a standard scheme for characterizing the content of collections. From the summary information you can navigate to the text of a National Register nomination or see the photographs associated with a nomination. Searches may include only one or more than one category connected with “and”, “or”, and “not” operators.
The summary information translates National Register terms to Dublin Core terms. Basic information such as resource name, address, location, and date of listing all appear in the summary information. Many National Register properties are a part of larger groups of nominations sharing a similar context known as multiple nominations and some are even in National Parks. Much of the search capability is contained in the subject and the keyword fields. The subject field is thesaurus-based and includes a number of National Register categories including the type of resource, the criteria under which it was nominated, the periods of significance, the areas of significance and the architectural style, if any. The keyword information contains “free-form” text for searching such as the significant person associated with a property or the significant year something happened or the architect or builder or engineer responsible for construction.
Once you find a property of interest you may view the text and photographs associated with each nomination in one of three ways. If you do not have an image viewer on your computer you may pull up a copy in the JPEG format. For more powerful viewing, including the ability to do searches within the text of the nomination, download the DjVu viewer or the popular Acrobat Reader.
Источник описания:National Register of Historic Places
The Office of the Historian is responsible, under law, for the preparation and publication of the official documentary history of U.S. foreign policy in the Foreign Relations of the United States series.
In addition, the Office prepares policy-supportive historical studies for Department principals and other agencies. These studies provide essential background information, evaluate how and why policies evolved, identify precedents, and derive lessons learned. Department officers rely on institutional memory, collective wisdom, and personal experience to make decisions; rigorous historical analysis can sharpen, focus, and inform their choices. The Office of the Historian conducts an array of initiatives, ranging from briefing memos to multi-year research projects.
The Office of the Historian also promotes the declassification of documents to ensure a complete and accurate understanding of the past.
Источник описания:Office of the Historian
We want everyone—students, teachers, parents, and the general public—to read these milestone documents, consider their meaning, discuss them, and decide which are the most significant and why. This initiative creates a number of ways to do that—through classroom activities and competitions, and votes.
Источник описания:Our Documents
The National Museum of Japanese History (Rekihaku) was founded as a national inter-university research institute in 1981. This reflected two important decisions made at the time. The first—that Rekihaku would be a museum—was made because a museum was deemed an effective means of promoting integrative study of Japan's history and culture into the 21st century. The second decision—that Rekihaku would be an inter-university research institute—was made so that Rekihaku could conduct its museum operations adequately; an inter-university research institute possesses the institutional framework necessary to advance collaborative research and information-sharing between researchers at universities and elsewhere across Japan.
With its semi-privatization in 2004, Rekihaku faced expectations from many quarters to clarify anew its institutional significance. Having reached a quarter of a century since its founding, Rekihaku had also decided that it needed to articulate its institutional significance and direction for itself. In January of 2006, Rekihaku thus initiated meetings to examine its future. These meetings concluded within a year.
This booklet summarizes Rekihaku's "Report on Meetings to Discuss Future Planning at the National Museum of Japanese History." Its core premise is that the two decisions made at Rekihaku's founding—that it would be both a museum and inter-university research institute—are the foundation upon which its operations are built. On that basis, through its 'museum-based research integration'—a distinctive research style that fully utilizes Rekihaku's activities as a museum—and its efforts to 'actualize potential for collaborative activities', Rekihaku is determined to pursue both its mission as an inter-university institute and the promotion of research that benefits from Rekihaku's strong ties to the community.
Having reached our 25th anniversary, we at Rekihaku have looked to 'the future of history' to reaffirm our core principles and core policies. From this publication, we hope that members of the community beyond Rekihaku will better understand our aims, and we look forward to your candid responses.
Источник описания:Национальный музей истории Японии Rekihaku ( 国立歴史民俗博物館)
You will find in our stock, the different versions of the Periodical Historical Atlas of Europe, several digitized antique maps and the Euratlas Georeferenced Historical Vector Data covering 2000 years of European history.
Our Web Maps
Our history and geography maps were drawn by Christos Nüssli on the basis of several references and primary sources available in our Vector and GIS Maps section. The historical maps were transferred to a geographic information system by Marc-Antoine Nüssli.
Some of our maps are available to Euratlas-Info members for free.
Источник описания:History and Geography of Europe and the World
American History Central is an online digital encyclopedia, and is being developed as an educational resource for teachers and students.
One of the great problems of searching for reference and research materials online is the fact that much of the content available does not come from trusted resources. Our custom search engine allows you to search across a select set of digital encyclopedias, chosen by our expert team. By using this engine, you can trust that the results are qualified and accurate.
American History Central is a planned series of online digital encyclopedias that will focus on specific time periods and events in American History. We are currently working on encyclopedias that cover the Great Depression and the inspiration behind the Declaration of Independence.
This website will serve as a central hub and access point to all of the American History Central encyclopedias, but it will also provide a massive index of online resources that can be used as references for teaching and researc
Источник описания:American History Central